Maastricht Aachen Airport


Interior construction

Maastricht Aachen Airport

Customer demand

Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA) launched the renovation of its passenger terminal, in which both the interior and exterior were modernised. The aim of the redevelopment: to make the terminal more attractive to passengers and ensure that capacity can be expanded in the medium term. Due to the project's short lead time, INTOS was asked to deliver the total within six weeks. We rose to the challenge!

Assignment: Delivery of three different ball types within six weeks
Location: Maastricht
Design: INTOS


INTOS advised MAA to choose a standard INTOS counter and tailor it in details to the airport's specific needs and requirements. MAA chose INTOS' DINOX counter to which only a glass top was added and a raised floor placed behind it. Naturally, INTOS also took care of the proper integration of the necessary equipment.

The installation process was staggered, as check-in capacity had to be available at all times. So while passengers checked in at the existing counters, INTOS together with Van der Lande replaced them one by one for the new counters until there were only new counters.


Ing. Jack Dumoulin, Manager Projects & Infra Structure Maastricht Aachen Airports: "The cooperation with INTOS went well. They thought along with us extensively. When problems arose during the project, which had a tight time schedule, there was clear communication and quick intervention to get things done in time with a few adjustments. The delivered counters more than live up to the image we had in mind and the result is worth seeing! All in all, INTOS is a competent and nice company to work with."

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